Bee or Wasp? Which is It?

Bee or Wasp? Which is It?

When we see a flying insect that resembles a wasp or bee, we usually don’t spend much time looking to see which it is. We run! But there are differences between the two that extend beyond appearances. Bees Wasps Insects
Spiders in Oklahoma

Spiders in Oklahoma

There are many types of spiders in Oklahoma, although only the Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders are considered dangers to people. If you are like a lot of people we know, it doesn’t matter if a spider can or will bite you. Just knowing one is hiding under your...

Zika and West Nile Virus

Zika FactsFirst isolated in Uganda’s Zika forest in 1949, the Zika virus has recently gained a lot of exposure in the Americas due mostly to an increase of birth defects. The Zika virus is related to The West Nile Virus, yellow fever and dengue fever. There are two...

6 Termite Myths Debunked

Myth: You only need to worry about termites if you live in an older home. Termite inspections should be done every year especially if you have not had your home treated in the last 5 years. Even brand new homes should be inspected within two years of construction. ...