OKC Pest Control Reports A Mistake Made With Paper Wasps
Most people are used to seeing wasps during summer months, but as you are well aware, Oklahoma has had some of the most unusual warm weather these past few months. This overly warm spring has caused insects of all sorts to start emerging sooner. Paper wasps are just one winged species our OKC pest control team urges you to be mindful about.
The colony usually begins in the spring when a mated female leaves her hibernation site to build her nest and the maximum colony size can get up to 75 by late summer. Paper wasps can vary from a brown, red, or black color with yellow marks. They are only about 3/4 to 1 inch long with slender bodies. Their name most likely comes from the fact that their nests look like paper of a single comb attached to trees, shrubs, and a variety of structures, such as building eaves.
A Common Mistake Made By Homeowners
A lot of homeowners get a little ambitious when they see a wasp’s nest and their actions can often make matters worse. Paper wasps are generally not aggressive towards humans, but that’s when the most common mistake is made. Anxious people often think that grabbing a broom to knock the nest down will work. Our OKC pest control team warns that this is a bad idea as doing so is sure to have an entire colony of angry wasps chasing you!
Even accidental contact with a nest of paper wasps can warrant a wasp sting. Our OKC pest control team suggests avoiding painful and potentially fatal anaphylactic reactions by allowing a professional to remove the wasps from your yard.
Our OKC pest control company, known as The Bug Guy would be happy to help you prevent wasps from forming nests around your home! If you need treatment, give us a call at 405-973-5522.