Pest Control OKC is here to tell you about some lesser known Oklahoma Pests
Wasps, Roaches, Ants, Termites, and ‘Skeeters. If you live in Oklahoma you’re probably all too aware of these kinds of pests. Of course, that’s not all the kinds of pests you can see here in Oklahoma and Our pest control OKC team is here to introduce you to just a few of them:
Reduvius personatus:
Also known as the Masked Hunter, from the Assassin Bug Family, sticky hairs all over its body allow this sly hunter to camouflage itself with dust and other debris. A favorite prey of this hunter are bed bugs, so finding one of these little guys in your house is a good indication of a larger bedbug infestation. While not poisonous or really any threat at all to humans, they can inflict a painful bite so The Bug Guy, Pest Control OKC, recommends leaving them alone. Also, consider calling us to investigate and eradicate a potential bedbug infestation.
Jumping Spider:
Spiders are terrifying enough on their own, but some of them could put an olympic vaulter to shame! There are many kinds of jumping spiders and on the whole they’re harmless to humans, though most can bite. The Johnson Jumping Spider, which can be found here in Oklahoma, can leap up to 5 times its length! These kinds of arachnids are active hunters and don’t build webs, preferring to hunt and leap on prey. While harmless, it can be annoying and certainly startling to have these guys leaping around your house.
Oil Beetle:
Oil Beetles are a type of blister beetle. If you see one of these guys be very careful, they can excrete a painful irritant that can cause skin blisters. Thankfully, these guys tend to stick to grassy areas and gardens; however, that doesn’t mean one couldn’t end up in your home.
Our pest control OKC team has been hard at work this year! Don’t be a victim. Give our pest control OKC team a call to eliminate your chances of a run-in with pests, common or uncommon. You may contact The Bug Guy at 405-973-5522.