Pest Control OKC Reveals Cockroaches Bite!
Of all the bugs in the world you probably don’t automatically think about cockroaches when you think about the many crawling things which are fully capable of biting humans. It’s true that cockroaches can bite! In fact, some species have even been shown to eat human flesh, both living and dead. The Bug Guy, your pest control OKC expert, recommends taking these steps should you be bitten by any roaches.
Firstly, it’s important to know that cockroaches don’t normally bite humans. If confronted, they will normally try to run away. In some cases, a human will only get bitten, because the roach is trying to get some food that’s hanging on your fingernails. Some species of roach; however, are far more likely to bite. A dense infestation can also increase the chances of getting bitten as the food supply becomes more scarce.
Roaches have a fondness for certain areas of the body over others, these include:
- Hands
- Feet
- Eyelashes
- Fingernails
If you find a bite mark in any of these areas, clean the wound with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Roaches aren’t poisonous, but they can carry harmful bacteria inside their mouths from the food they eat, causing infections as they break the skin. Keep an eye on the wound, the biggest thing to watch for is infection. If the wound persists you may need to consult a doctor. If the bite wound persist for more than 4 days you need to see a doctor as an infection may be taking place.
Most roaches aren’t trying to eat you alive, usually what happens is the roach is trying to get some food stuck in these areas. If you want to avoid these bites, The Bug Guy, your pest control OKC guru, recommends not eating in bed (which will attract the roaches at night).
Of course, the best way to avoid roach bites is to not have roaches in your house in the first place. Let The Bug Guy, your trustworthy pest control OKC team, take care of any infestations you may have. Call us at405-973-5522!