Pest Control OKC is here to set the record straight on a couple of things involving termites.
Termites can be a pest year-round
While it’s true most termites reach peak activity (or swarm) during summer and spring any termite can cause damage at any time of year, regardless of weather. In addition, there are some species of termitesĀ that actually swarm during Fall months. These types of termites will eat both soft and hard wood, attacking house structures and the furniture within. They can even attack wood objects as small as a picture frame. These kinds of termites will leave a small layer of surface wood intact to hide their presence in furniture and homes. Multiple colonies can even infest a single piece of furniture. If you think you may have an Fall Termite Infestation, give The Bug Guy, Pest Control OKC, a call today.
Finding termites
Looks for small piles of sawdust near your home and furniture as well as unexplained holes. Shed wings can also be an indication of a new colony hiding somewhere in your home. If an infestation gets really bad, you may also start to notice bulges in your wood. This is because a colony, or colonies, are getting so big that they’re starting to strain the wood. Remember, it’s very easy for multiple colonies to exist in the same house at once. Once a colony digs in they can be hard to remove, luckily The Bug Guy, Pest Control OKC, can help both find and get rid of these colonies.
Just because it’s getting colder outside doesn’t mean Termites that are inside will take a break for the holidays. If you spot a termite infestation or just want to make sure your house is pest free, give The Bug Guy, Pest Control OKC a call today atĀ 405-973-5522!