Keep the fire going without the pests with these Pest Control OKC Tips
The fireplace is a wonderful home addition to have during the cold winter months. Few things are more relaxing on a cold winter day then sitting down with a nice book or hot cocoa next to a healthy fire. Of course, a fireplace needs wood to burn and the unfortunate reality is that wood can carry some unwanted guests in it. The Bug Guy, Pest Control OKC, has some tips on how to keep these firewood pests at bay this winter.
Store Firewood away from buildings: Never stack your firewood next to a building. Wood burrowing pests can dig directly from your firewood into your home. Placing wood piles next to your home can give certain pests direct access to your home!
First in, First out: Use your oldest wood first, you can make it easier to access this older wood by periodically re-stacking your wood to make the older wood more accessible. Using the older wood reduces the chances that an infestation will build up and infect the whole wood pile and eventually your home!
Eliminate Surface Pests: Before you bring in any piece of wood, inspect it thoroughly. Look over the surface of the wood for any pests crawling around or coming up from inside. Knock the firewood together and shake them thoroughly to loose any pests hiding within.
Burn Firewood immediately when brought indoors: The easiest way to make sure pests don’t get into your home is to give them as little opportunity as possible. Most pests will burrow into wood to Overwinter, or hibernate. When you leave firewood in your home these pests can awaken and move out before you burn them.
If you think your home might be infested, give The Bug Guy, Pest Control OKC, a call today at 405-973-5522!