Flying Ant Day 2018 Came Early this year. What should we expect come fall/winter?
Since flying ant day came early this year the diligent ants have had more time to work and multiply. This could cause an increase in home infestations as the weather cools down this fall and winter. Here are some details of the event this year. It gives clues on what to expect:
Over 50 Billion Flying Ants Took To The Skies Over The Summer
The unusually warm Spring weather is being blamed for boosting insect numbers, with experts predicting “Flying Ant Day” – when they all appear apparently out of nowhere – will occur in June, rather than July.
If that happens, it could coincide with the Royal Entomological Society’s National Insect Week, appropriately enough.
Meanwhile pest controller Rentokil reported an increase of almost 150 per cent in call-outs to deal with ant infestations in March and April.
Quotes from other pest control experts through the spring and summer
“Ant-related call outs increased 148 percent from March to April.
“Experts believe the rise could be attributed to the unseasonably warm start to the Spring – after Brits experienced record-breaking warm weather in April.
“Last month’s period of clear skies and the hottest April day since 1949 may explain the surge in activity, as ants are typically more active in higher temperatures and colonies use sunlight to navigate.”
“Ant life-cycles depend on temperature, and the amount of food available to them.
“Provided the Queen is healthy, and enough food is being brought back to the nest, ant eggs have a greater chance of survival.”
Despite its name, Flying Ant Day usually lasts about two weeks.
“It’s rare to see ant infestations in cold or overcast weather, and while the ‘Beast from the East’ may have caused them to remain dormant in March, the sudden change in temperature has since brought them out in their droves.
“This trend could be set to continue throughout the rest of the summer.”
The website of the Amateur Entomologists’ Society explains: “Ant colonies produce winged sexuals and these individuals found new colonies. In order to start a new colony the new queens (or gynes) must mate.
“When environmental conditions are right, winged males and females leave all the ant colonies within an area. They then take to the air on a nuptial flight and mate.”
“Some people incorrectly believe that these winged ants are a different species from the ants in the colonies that they are more familiar with.
“This is not the case, the winged ants are the same species but are winged so that they can disperse and find a mate.”
If you are seeing an increase of ants this season, don’t panic! Give us a call.
Interested in learning more about Ant Day? Check out the Wiki page by clicking here!