Pest Control OKC: What do other pests do in the winter?
Pest Control OKC has a few more pests behaviors that let them survive the winter and come back to annoy you in the summer.
Mosquitoes: Spend any time outdoors in the summer and you will eventually catch a bite from these tiny buzzing nuisances. Most people believe that the cold kills off these little terrors. When it warms up they move back from the warmer climates. But that isn’t what happens, mosquitoes will actually overwinter, hibernate, inside hollow logs and other protected places. They hibernate like this until the weather warms back up at which point females will wake up and begin looking for blood to develop eggs from. And to annoy you while you enjoy the warm weather of course.
Cockroaches: Cockroaches are survivors. They’ve been around for millions of years and, despite our best efforts, they’ll be around for millions more. They’ve developed into one of the most adaptable creatures alive today, so how do they survive the cold? Generally, they don’t. They don’t die, they simple choose to not deal with the cold by living in warm, moist environments. German Cockroaches, for example, stay active year-round by living in these kinds of environments, like your home, year round. American Cockroaches will spend the warmer years outside with the other pests, but once it gets colder they’ll begin to mass migrate to similar environments as their German counterparts.
Bed Bugs: bed bugs can handle an extreme range of temperatures. From nearly freezing to around 122 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes them difficult to deal with. However, they can’t last more than a few days in temperatures below freezing, making your home the perfect winter shelter.
If you need pest control, call The Bug Guy, Pest Control OKC, today.