Fleas are Here

Fleas are being reported all around Oklahoma City. We are taking many calls. The Bug Guy recommends 2 treatments 7-10 days apart to get rid of fleas. Adult fleas lay many eggs on any type of surface. We will come in and spray with an EGR added to our chemical. An EGR...

Winter Time Pests

I have noticed with the constant change of the weather that insects have remained resilient to these changes. I have seen activity in many different areas. Insects do not hibernate. They must survive and they do. It is helpful to continue to keep the fall leaves raked...

Termites Vs. Earthquakes

I have had many people ask me just how much damage can termites cause. My answer to that is that termites can cause major damage if left untreated. So much that they are the cause of more structural damage than earthquakes and storms combined. It is unfortunate that...

Fall season Pest

With Fall arriving we have Fall pest to contend with. After having plenty of moisture lately all insects have thrived. The Bug Guy has taken many calls on beetles, crickets and spiders. Spiders are thriving on all these other insects. I am real tired of walking...